Families travel to Peoria, Springfield, Chicago, Ohio, St. Louis, and St. Jude's for treatment. Camp COCO provides the
opportunity for patients and parents to reconnect. The volunteers and staff go above and beyond to provide a week of support,
fun and lifelong memories.
Every year 13,500 children and teens are diagnosed with cancer. An increase of 1,000 children!
That means so much more needs to be done. Research, funding, etc.
Our children have a 1 in 300 chance of being diagnosed with cancer by the age of 20.
Every year 2,500 children or 1 in 5 lose their lives to cancer.
Today, 78 % survive. 3 out of 5 children suffer from long term effects.
CANCER IS THE NUMBER ONE DISEASE KILLER OF OUR CHILDREN! ------ more than from asthma, diabetes,
cystic fibrosis, and pediatric AIDS combined. THERE IS NO CURE!
Funding and research are desperately needed. Current treatments can lead to long term organ
damage, developmental problems, and secondary cancers.
Unfortunately pharmaceutical companies don't make a habit of researching new drugs because
childhood cancer is considered "rare" compared to adult cancers. Many children and teens are part of a clinical trial.
As children grow and develop, they experience late effects that are still being discovered and
Cancer never sleeps. We need more research and funding. Please contact your legislators and
tell them our children are priceless! Support research that can lead to a cure!
Spring 2011 - The National Institute of Health has reported the number of children surviving
cancer has risen but the number of diagnosis' in children have increased.
Congress will make a 10% reduction in Federal funding for childhood cancer research.
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